Explore one of Alaska’s 16 National Wildlife Refuges with Refuge staff and other Friends members. Experience the refuge as a visitor would only with insider guidance. Camp and travel by canoes, rafts, boats or by foot. Some trips will include a volunteer project. All will include meeting refuge staff, learning about the refuge and getting ideas for future volunteer opportunities. The purpose of these trips is to give you an opportunity to really know one of the refuges and their staff and other Friends members. Trips will vary in length, difficulty and expense. Participants will share expenses for food and transportation when necessary. These are members only opportunities. Join here.
To share your ideas for trips you would like to see or for more information contact Poppy Benson, Outreach Coordinator, poppybenson@alaskarefugefriends.org
Upcoming Opportunities:
Summer of 2025
Past Trips, read the trip reports here:
- 2024 Raft the Kisaralik River, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
- 2023, Raft the Marsh Fork of the Canning, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
- 2022 Tetlin Refuge Discovery and Volunteer Trip, Memorial Day Weekend
- 2019 Tetlin Refuge Discovery and Volunteer Trip
- 2019 Kenai Refuge Discovery Trip
- 2018 Tetlin Refuge Discovery Trip
- 2017 Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Canoe Trip