Volunteer Overview

Current Volunteer Opportunities
See reports from past volunteer project participants

As a Friends member, you can volunteer for education, outreach, advocacy, biology and maintenance projects happening around the state throughout the year. We match your time and talents with the needs of Alaska’s refuges.

Our volunteers have led bird walks in Kotzebue, worked with Native Alaskan students in Arctic Village, staffed an education table at Oceanfest in Anchorage, pulled noxious weeds along the Dalton Highway, and compiled photography exhibits celebrating the 100th anniversaries of Yukon Delta and Alaska Maritime Refuges. Other members write letters to decision makers on Refuge issues, assist with fundraising efforts, and serve on a Committee or the Board of Directors.

Volunteer Jobs include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Outreach and organizing (staffing booths/tables, festivals, special events)
  • Manual Work (weed pull, trail building, light construction)
  • Education (science camp, special presentations)
  • Biology (surveys, data entry, field camp work)
  • Special skills (photography, information technology, lawyer)

The Friends offer fun and exciting volunteer experiences that

  • increase your understanding of Alaska Refuges
  • cultivate your awareness of Alaska Native cultures and bush living,
  • improve skills in adaptation and improvisation, as projects are frequently are based on unplanned events in the camps or villages
  • offer teaching experience, work experience, public relations experience
  • increase your knowledge of natural history (wildlife, geology, climate change, invasive plants, etc.)
  • offer reimbursement for some travel expenses
  • provide free training opportunities specific to your volunteer job


  1. You must be a Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuge Member. Join Here!
  2. Attendance of Friends Monthly Meetings or other Friends Outreach event before your volunteer experience. Monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month.
  3. Complete on-line Application (Applications are chosen based on thoughtful responses, availability and the skill set needed by the refuge.
  4. Complete a Volunteer Field Report within one month after completing your service. Contribute photos of the event.
  5. Pledge to represent Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in a professional and friendly manner.
Time Commitment: Projects range from staffing a festival booth for a few hours to traveling to the bush for a week or more to assist with science camps to helping refuges plan major events over four to five months.

General Skills:
  • Capacity for hard work on potentially long days on many of the projects.
  • Willingness and ability to learn and share knowledge of various subjects with others.
  • Flexibility and adaptability are a must!
  • Enthusiasm for connecting our refuges and environment to adults and children of all ages through science and culture camps, art, bird walks, community events, and many other opportunities.

      *While it is desirable to offer opportunities to as many Friends as possible, the needs of the refuge are the first priority and are matched with skills and abilities of volunteer applicants. Refuge staff also request specific Friends for some projects. The Volunteer coordinator does not make the selection.

      For more information, contact the Volunteer Coordinator, volunteer@alaskarefugefriends.org

      Current Volunteer Opportunities
      See reports from past volunteer project participants