Open post

2016 November Membership Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday, November 15th,  for the Friends membership meeting.
Call in a few minutes before 5pm: (866) 556-2149, code :8169747#
Our presenter will be Katrina Liebich (Mueller), FWS Alaska Fisheries Outreach Coordinator,
presenting: “Fish of Alaska’s Refuges” which will showcase the amazing fish found in Alaska’s Refuges, introduce several FWS Programs working to conserve Alaska’s fish and their habitats (including on and adjacent to Refuge lands), and initiate a conversation about potential opportunities to work together! Several other FWS Fisheries and Habitat staff will be present to meet the group and help answer questions. 

Download presentation videos:

fish passage fail.wmv
fish passage restoration.wmv
Funny River Weir.wmv
streambank Chena.wmv
underwater weir footage.wmv

Shawn Bayless, manager of the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, will also join us to discuss items about Tetlin and to give an update on their lynx research. 

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