By Poppy Benson
With a theme of “Resilience in the Refuges: Fish and Rivers of the Far North” Art in the Arctic Art Show will open in Fairbanks on February 7 with a First Friday event from 5 to 9 pm at Black Spruce Brewing Company, 3290 Peger Rd. Food truck food and of course brew will be available for purchase. The art work will remain on exhibit at the Brewing Company for the month of February. The show is cosponsored by Friends and the three Fairbanks based refuges – Arctic, Kanuti and Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuges. This year’s show features the work of six, all Alaska based, artists working in a variety of mediums.
The intent of this art show is to use art to create interest in and a different perspective on refuge resources – in this case the fish and rivers of the north. Though uniquely adapted to extreme Arctic environments, Alaska’s northern fish species such as char, cisco, grayling, salmon, sheefish and dolly Varden are facing unprecedented challenges in the streams and rivers they inhabit for sustenance, spawning and migration. Impacts from climate change and anthropogenic activities can potentially affect sensitive spawning and overwintering sites. Can these fish of the far north adapt, or are human influences testing the limits of their resiliency?
Will this be the last Art in the Arctic? This show was postponed from last year due to venue problems and may be the last one after 10 years of lighting up a Fairbanks Friday night with socializing over art meant to enhance our understanding of refuge habitats. The Fairbanks refuges no longer have the staff capacity to run the shows and are looking for Friends to take over Art in the Arctic. Fairbanks Friends members are in discussion over whether we have the horse power to take it over as a volunteer project. If you are interested in the future of Art in the Arctic, contact us at