Innoko National Wildlife Refuge Refuge: Round Mountain Science Camp

Project NameRound Mountain Science Camp
Project Number302
Locationnear McGrath, Alaska
DatesJuly 27-August 2, 2014
Duration1 week
Number of Volunteers Needed1 or 2
DescriptionThe Innoko Camp begins July 27 and ends August 2, 2014. We will be located down the Round Mountain area which is a few miles downriver from McGrath. The hike up to the cabin area is about 15-20 minutes from the Kuskokwim River. There's a cabin and an out house. We set up tents to sleep in throughout the week. Projects and activities take place in the area. We recruit up to 15 students to teach. They come from the outlying Iditarod Area School District or students coming to visit relatives in McGrath have also applied. I'm looking at projects/activities right now, such as: picking blueberries for a jam session, challenge courses, all day fishing and hiking, photography, survival skills, invasive plant guide, owl pellets, orienteering, journal writing, birchbark drawing, fire management, island day elder stories, plant collection and medicinal values. And any other activity someone may have to teach. We run 12-15 hours a day to keep the students occupied and not bored.
Skills NeededSee above to match your skills with the proposed topics.
Education TopicsSee above description.
Audience Ageteens
Materials NeededDependent upon topics selected by volunteer
Other Outreach OpportunitiesEducate students about Friends and refuges, wilderness, conservation, etc. or Refuge Information Technician Innoko National Wildlife Refuge