Kanuti NWR Refuge: Spring at the Kanuti cabin

Project NameSpring at the Kanuti cabin
Project Number257
LocationA remote cabin on the Kanuti Refuge
Duration6 weeks approximately
Number of Volunteers Needed1 or 2
DescriptionKanuti NWR is looking for a birder/artist to spend approximately six weeks in this remote cabin on the refuge.moreplicawatches.net replica watches A volunteer is needed to document the arrival of birds in this area.This volunteer or an additional volunteer with artistic abilities will create original artwork (photography, painting,etc. for use by the refuge. The refuge will provide the necessary trainings,food, and flights to the cabin.
Skills NeededKnowledge of Alaska birds, artistic skills, and certification of mandatory trainings (First Aid/CPR, Aircraft Safety and Dunker Training, Bear Awareness/Safety training). Volunteer or volunteers must be able to spend at least six weeks at this remote cabin.
ContactMike Spindler, Refuge manager, mike_spindler@fws.gov